Supporting our local Lewisville, Flower Mound, and Carrollton teachers so they can focus on what they do best instead of worrying about lice!

School is back in session once again and lice are too!

Kids thrive in social environments and interaction with peers. However, close encounters provide ideal circumstances for lice to spread!

We know that so many of our best teachers understand that to truly make a connection with a child is to meet them at their level. This often means leaning in to show them the answer or sitting with them while working through a problem.  Sometimes a quick hug offers the reassurance a kid needs. Fear of head lice should never keep a teacher from these important moments that have lasting influence. 

That's why at Lice Services of Texas we would like to extend a special offer to all of you rock star teachers out there. We appreciate you and the important job you do!

  • Free Head Checks- If you suspect head lice you can make an appointment at our clinic, and we will rule out or confirm a case.
  • 50% Off Lice Treatment- If in fact a case of lice is determined we will perform our lice removal treatment that will allow you to be back in school teaching the very next day for half off the regular price.

*This offer applies to all teachers and school nurses in the Lewisville Independent School District for the 2023-2024 school year. Bring along your school ID badge to prove eligibility.

Head lice treatment for teachers in Lewisville, Flower Mound, Carrollton and Highland Village

If you work in a different local school district and would like this special rate offered to your district as well, please contact us. You can call or send in this form, and we will respond promptly. Thank you!